There is a short story to how we picked Jude for his name. No we didn't listen to the Beatles song and name him after it. AAAGGGHHH. Don't ever ask us that if you see us in person, because if you read this you should know better.
Anyways, this year has been a very challenging year for Randi and I. We've had many things that could have weighed us down but we have fought through them and because of those challenges we have become stronger. I hate to tell you that one of those challenges for Randi and I was the passing of her Grandfather (Paw Paw) Julian and her Grandmother (Maw Maw). This was very hard for Randi because she had lived with both of them for almost her whole life. They were very special and meant a lot to her. It was challenging for me as well as i got to know the both of them and grew to love them.
Randi and I had already agreed on Jude Amadeus Loveless, but in Honor of her Paw Paw we decided to name his first name Julian. So his full name is
Julian Amadeus Loveless,
but we will call him Jude.
We thought of the name "Jude" because of the book of the bible. Jude means "The praised one".
Amadeus came from the baby book because it means "God's Love".
Loveless came from my last name.
So that is the short story of why we named him Julian "jude" Amadeus Loveless.
We praise God for blessing us with Jude, and we thank him everyday for His love.
-Daddy Cojo
The Beatles song is about a boy name Jullian. But I like the meaning behind your Jude's name a million times more!!!!
hey guys!! good to see that my nephew is cool and has a blog!! :)
love you guys, and every now and then you can check out my blog as well!!
peace out,
Uncle Bren Bren
i put up a post of Jude. now, a whole two people will see it :)
(just cause no one reads my blog) :)
Congratulations Collin & Randi!
Jude is adorable and we can't wait to meet him! We thank Jesus for a healthy beautiful baby and rejoice with you! We will call soon to come and see him (wanted to give you and Randi some time to adjust) but don't worry we can't wait too much longer especially now that we have seen how cute he is! We love you guys and know that you are going to be great parents! Jude is blessed! See you guys soon.
Lots of Love and Prayers, Dennis&Kim Doerr
what a great idea to have a blog!
jude is such a cutie! he definitely looks like a loveless! ha!
hope all is well!
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